metaverse crypto coins list top 5 make you rich in 2022

maaloma nich
5 min readJan 2, 2022


metaverse crypto coins list  top 5 make you rich in 2022

crypto coins going to make all of your dreams come true. we are going to talk about the ethereum and bitcoin chart and why this is

talk about the top five major verse coins to get rich by 2022 and we’re going to talk about the next narrative that is going to happen after the mata verse so stay tuned for that

why crypto coins its make you rich ?

if you are in crypto right now and you even even you even you know , about this chart right yes you know about this chart the ethereum to bitcoin , chart right here once we break this line

guys i posted this on twitter.

if we break this line literally all of our dreams will come true here i have a i have what’s the number i have an idea what’s the number turn the fan off and come back in okay because it’s too loud i have a hat don’t worry .

your dreams come true in crypto it’s not even going to be funny how crazy all the , altcoins are going to go and everything is going to go crazy because ethereum.

has been trying to break out against bitcoin for literally years and this chart it’s it’s kind of hilarious , because i posted this this morning that i was thankful for ,this right and 10 seconds later one of my favorite people on the earth raul .

posted the exact same chart guys this is the same chart just drawn a different way and he says the east bitcoin chart is my is in my opinion the most important chart in digital asset markets .

right now a break higher will lead to more risk seeking so this is literally he said it’s going to pull bitcoin higher as well and i’ve been telling you guys this for months so that’s why you need to follow me on twitter

why crypto coins its ? Ethereum Vs bitcoin Quick Look

that’s why all of you guys 107 000 of you are in the right place because seriously i’ve been warning you about this breakout that’s been, coming and once this happens there really is not going to be a window for you to get into the market because everything is going to be going up so so fast.

guys and so you can just go on twitter today everyone’s talking about the same thing like bitcoin is strong but ethereum is stronger right everything looks pretty great here is uh john wick he’s a really good trader talking about ethereum when i bounce you bounce we bounce right everything is bouncing on ethereum look for the good crypto coins.

another good thing guys is the bitcoin greed and fear index here um if it’s at 32 we are not at the top of the market everyone who’s worried

top five major verse coins to get rich by 2022 and the the key thing with this guys is yesterday a lot of people she’s looking over there this is where you look okay everyone was talking about sand and manna guys these the two.

biggest made of coins so i want to show you the charts for sand and mana really really quickly so actually before i do that i want to show you what i predicted but yesterday what i said predict the

first casualties of the bull market bull market are anyone who buys mana and sand right now please don’t buy this if you are new to the market because yesterday was one of the days where the where people were going to lose a lot of money and it actually played crypto coins out exactly.

like i said so here’s what happened the charts yesterday this is mana right here right one of the biggest coins it has a seven billion dollar market cap this is the biggest maida verse coin

okay now look it broke out yesterday and went from like what was this four dollars and eighty cents all the way up to five dollars and eighty cents so people were making so much money.

everyone was tweeting about it and right here right about this time i tweeted right what is this this is like 3 p.m 2 p.m i tweeted this out at uh what time does it say 11 55 so i i gave you guys enough warning .

i gave you guys two hour warning that this was going to come back down and look it came all the way back down and i really think that if you buy into d to mana or to sandbox right now you are literally just

metaverse crypto coins price

crypto coins

crypto coins

smartest human in the world because these are way too big guys the market cap is six billion the market cap is what is this right here the market cap on mana is seven billion right these coins are way too big so the maida verse crypto coins

yes is an amazing narrative this is something that even sami right here who’s who’s a pharmacist and doesn’t even think about crypto very much oh i think about crypto oh she does because of me but but even you know that facebook changed his name to maida right yes yeah so like it’s a universe and everyone’s going to be talking about the metaverse

is to move your profits into smaller maydiverse place because that is what thewhales are going to do next they’regoing to take their profits that theymade from here all the way up to hereand then they’re going to put those.

profits into into these small coins thati’m going to show you right now so areyou ready for the next coins sam givethem a pep talk give them a reason theyshould hit the like button because we’reabout to show them the top five made of coins of all time



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