my neighbor alice coin price prediction profit Now $01

maaloma nich
8 min readFeb 5, 2022


my neighbor alice coin price prediction profit Now $01

my neighbor alice coin price prediction profit Now $01 !! hey everyone welcome back to Storeelink thank you so much for joining me here today hope you’re having an amazing day we’re taking a quick look here at my neighbor alice coin price prediction

my neighbor alice coin price prediction But before we do we’re going to

peek at bitcoin so you understand kind of what’s going on in the market

i suppose it’s important for any good dealer to basically understand what bitcoin’s doing because a lot of coins are you know reflective of that right so just to snappily note bitcoins down in the day a big surprise we have had a many legs down so to speak we are now trending just Over 56 to 58 000.

i do this map earlier for my patrons grounded on the simple fact that i feel like we might see the price continue to trend lower over the coming couple of days and if so these are the two buy zones that you might want to consider a bone cost averaging now moving forward taking a quick look .

at the moving pars you can see we are below the 50 on the one day map which isn’t super important i suppose the further important Bone then’s the four hour map the 50 day and the 200 days of moving normal are moving into what is appertained to as generally as a
death cross.

so we’ll see soon if this you know what just happed was a result of that passing soon coming to consummation but once that that that closes effectively we should see the price go down further that is the standard and normal way that the death cross works i detest that term but it’s just a a reality . right but bear in mind too we are really downward on the rsi so there is a good chance that it’ll recover a little bit but we

might see another dead cat where the price comes up and you know we kind of get duped where
it’s like oh cool it’s back on track and then it comes right back down again so just bear in mind that happens quite frequently with bitcoin in these states so i wouldn’t uh i wouldn’t overthink it i guess you.

My Neighbor Alice , my neighbor alice coin price prediction

#cryptonews #cryptocurrency #cryptomarket

so moving on to my neighbor alice coin price prediction let’s go

and take a look at the one day chart

kind of work our way down i’ve got some support and resistance levels pretty much only resistance levels drawn up here based on a simple fact that’s the

one day candlestick high and of course

the all-time high at about 23.84

and of

course the one day close was about 21.34


pretty nice and easy numbers there we’ll

go ahead and take a quick look at the

one day chart so we’re both we’re both

above moving averages right both the 250

are working below the price that’s


we got a bounce off of 50 rsi

as well that’s equally as important

which is essentially the same level as

that 50 day set moving average so that’s

working as a strong support should

likely push the price up higher

we’ve also got on the four-hour chart

the price above both moving averages as

well this is excellent sign i like to

see that it’s extremely important to

have the price above both

now also note too the price is just

barely above 70 on the rsi that’s not

terrible not great it’s kind of neutral

more so it’s kind of an indication to

pay attention to consider either

trimming your position or adding to your

position if the price were to come back

down under 70. but normally i have an

rsi video that helps explain how to

approach that so check that out in your

own time but the the trigger here is

that you know when the price comes back

down under 70 that’s considered the buy

of the sell signal uh whereas you know

with it just coming up above

it still hasn’t fully evolved yet so

there’s a good chance it could continue

higher that makes sense

so it’s kind of around the four-hour

chart all good things there we had a

macd convergence as well right around

5am yesterday

so that kind of gave us a signal that we

had a buy signal sometime yesterday

letting us know that we wanted to get

basically take entry for a long position

now again

it can be concerning to want

to take long positions right now based

on the sheer fact that bitcoin keeps

selling off but you look how well

alice is doing here today contrary to

bitcoin bitcoins essentially just making

lower lows lower highs and look at this


higher highs and higher lows in the one

hour that’s fantastic so if this next

decrease comes down and doesn’t go any

lower than right here then we’re going

to be in good shape to continue that

higher high and higher low scenario so

let’s take a look at the cloud and kind

of see what’s going on look at that

right where the macd converged on the

four hour chart we have an ichimoku

cloud breakthrough which effectively

just reiterates that double rainbow that

i like to refer to it as where we have

two really awesome things happening at

the same time giving us that buy signal

so that is awesome so as you just say

set up your indicators for you know lead

one or lead two to be notified once the

price crosses that plane then you would

have been you know able to kind of

verify that and get in right those are

usually the kind of signals i like to


but you know alice was on my radar but

now it is

so all good things here for ellis though

is the bottom line is what i’m seeing

here i do think that it’s trending

closer to its all-time high and will

likely break its all-time high just

based on the fact that there’s nothing

but bullish indications contrary to bear

you know a bearish bitcoin right so that

that’s awesome

news and what will alice

do when bitcoin turns around pulls his

head out of his ass that kind of thing

it should be awesome so looking here

we’re at a nine though on td sequential

just keep this in mind

and when i say keep this in mind it just

basically means that there’s a strong

likelihood we’ll at least see some

consolidation or retracement soon

with it if it continued to increase to

say for example we’d be past that

standard deviation of the volume weight

average price and that would push the

price down naturally as well in fact we

might even be right above at that point

looks like

we are so if you kind of see

here you can see that standard deviation

line basically telling us that when the

price goes above it has to come back

down like that okay pulled it down

pulled it down

right here didn’t pull down kept pushing

so now it makes sense that the price is

coming right down

closer to that deviation line so we

should expect the price to come down

even further i’d say maybe down to about

1650 is a strong potential

and that would help us understand more

so specifically that you know the price

is back within that range

it can

comfortably consolidate and we might see

a leg up again eventually after it’s

kind of gone sideways for some time

because get this in mind and keep this

in mind there’s nothing wrong with the

price going up higher now right that

could happen but the the dilemma that

we’re going to run into is if it doesn’t


and just keeps going

straight up it’s going to come down a

lot harder right they come down hard and

they come down fast we don’t want that

we want stability in a coin right we

want this to keep making higher highs

and higher lows in order for it to do

that it needs to continue this nice

healthy pattern and it has a very

healthy pattern right now we’re just at

that state of of uh you know

consolidation where we have to

consolidate or we’re going to find a

significant retracement if it lags up

too quick

so that’s kind of what we’re looking at

there for alice all good things really

i’m definitely bullish on alice at this

point let’s go ahead and take a look at

the fibonacci see what they’re telling


and let’s see what’s going on here all

right so let’s go ahead and mark these

guys here to be on the safe side for


i always mark the highest and the lowest

point there

as well as usually the set of that

center point which is 0.5

on fibonacci


what we’ll do let’s take a look at the

big picture here and kind of see where

we’re at and as you can see that that

highest point for this potential ramp up

is to say we’re to continue to duplicate

what it did in the last 24 to 48 hours

it would be somewhere in the range about

23 dollars and it would put us right in

that resistance zone which is perfect


the price can go up to that resistance

zone and consolidate and then leg up

from there in other words just say the

price continues up here right it spends

a little bit of time in here it ramps up

and one last little consolidation

squeeze right against the uh the support

level and then we see it ramp up there

that’s a really really common

characteristic for coins like this when

they break their all-time high they’ll

jump up above they’ll drop down to test

that previous

resistance reaffirm the

support and then then blast off right so

if we can get this price to consolidate

right above support about 23.90 we’re

going to be in fantastic shape and when

i say support sorry it’s currently

resistance but we want to become a

support level

we’ll see that happen perhaps in the

very near future i think it’s likely

considering what’s going on here so i do

think alice taking a long basically long

position from where it’s at would be

advantageous i think we can probably at

least guarantee a 42 percent increase

based on a share

fact that it’s on

target to to hit its all-time high i

think that if nothing else should be

likely whether or not it breaks that

will bridge that gap when we get there

i’ll i’ll keep a closer eye on alice for

moving forward just to ensure that so

thank you to my patrons for requesting

that i cover this of course i greatly

appreciate you and if you’re not

currently a patron and you want to

become a better trader

jump on in there

i can tell you it’s a really awesome

experience and you might want to lock in

your rate now before it’s not

necessarily too late but next month

we’ll be increasing the rates just based

on the demand and the occupancy there so

check that out in your own time thank

you so much to current patrons of courss



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